
The project results flow into deliverables in all work packages. We have decided to publish these as far as possible.

WP1 deliverable: First short policy brief

First short Policy Brief: In this policy brief, the European Universities pilot alliances report on the progress made through cooperation in selected R&I areas and provide a first set of recommendations to the European Commission for further policy development.

WP1 deliverable: Project Management Manual

Project Management Manual: After three months of the project the project team published a handbook which provides basic information on the project including beneficiaries information, list of milestones and deliverables, roles and responsibilities, management operating procedures, reporting procedures as well as information on project communication.  


WP1 deliverable: Second short policy brief

Second short policy brief: In this policy brief, the European Universities pilot alliances report on the progress made through cooperation in selected R&I areas and provide a first set of recommendations to the European Commission for further policy development.

WP2 deliverable: Situation analysis of the partners' knowledge transfer activities

Knowledge transfer activities of the partners: This report involves the research activities and RDI services of all consortium full partners. Previous research and innovation practices are compiled and joint structures are explored. The report presents past experiences and identifies possible practical directions for all alliance partners.

WP2 deliverable: Harmonized intellectual proberty rules

Harmonized intellectual property rules: The report’s first section outlines all EU4ART consortium partners’ intellectual property (IP) policies and procedures. It outlines guidelines for managing and using newly developed intellectual property, as well as the duties and rights of the researchers who participated. The second section includes a suggestion for the EU4ART partners regarding potential IP rule harmonization.

WP2 deliverable: Publication on anthology on Artistic Research

Publication of anthology on artistic research: All members of the alliance published studies on their Artistic Research and results.

The book “Approximating Borders: Artistic research in Practice” is available online for download.


WP3 deliverable: Description of a common framework for quality management

R&I Agenda: This detailed description of a common framework including tools for quality management and for the equality of opportunity, access and inclusivity refers to the taken steps to guarantee an excellent quality in the execution of the project. This includes a clear definition of the common quality criteria as well as their adequate content and technical implementation.
Special consideration must be given to questions of equal opportunities, gender justice and inclusion, as well as comparable issues.

WP3 deliverable: Report on new teaching formats

Report on new teaching formats: This report on the outcome of new teaching formats for the outreach to society focuses mainly on the intertwining of the Horizon2020 project with partners not related to universities and economy but active in education, cultural politics, pedagogics and other knowledge transferring fields of society.

WP3 deliverable: Report on pilot phase

Report on pilot phase + appendices: After the pilot phase of the Artistic Research Labs as well as doctoral studies in the different universities of the EU4ART alliance, this report sheds a light on the fruitful results but also on more controversial aspects of the four individual national and university-related approaches towards the field of artistic research.

WP4 deliverable: Documentation of a series of webinars

Documentation of a series of webinars: Documentation of the contents and guests of the webinars.

WP4 deliverable: Concept for series of webinars

Concept for a series of webinars: This document is focusing on a concept of a series of talks and workshops in conferences and a summer school on “R&I and Fine Arts”, “business & investment”, “Fine Arts and their relevance in the training of high level managers” and many more.

WP4 deliverable: Set of ICT tools

Set of ICT tools: The implementation of the online platform will make available highly specialized single course modules focused on art applied to research and innovation to generate a continuous growth of skills and research on new uses of art in science. The °’°Kobi platform is so far unique and in the meantime a complex working system. Please get in touch with Franco Ripa di Meana in case you are interested in it.

WP4 deliverable: Concept for a series of entrepreneurship related courses

Concept for a series of entrepreneurship-related courses: The report is a documentation of activities of pilot courses that have been already carried out, used as a model for possible future developments.

WP4 deliverable: Architecture of a management knowledge system

Architecture of a knowledge management system for arts and creativity training: Interactive AI System for Enhancing Creative Knowledge in an Educational Multimodal Environment focused on Artistic Research.

WP5 deliverable: Common Communication Strategy

Common Communication Strategy: This document details the communication strategy and plan. It outlines the key messages to be communicated, communication channels to be applied, visual identity, target groups to be reached, tools to be used and individual communication plans for each partner.

WP5 deliverable: Concept for Research and Innovation Transformation Network

Concept for Research and Innovation Transformation Network: This document describes the conceptual outline of the Research and Innovation Transformation Network (RITN). It will define the main RITN factors, characteristics, its intended networking parameters, and information workflow.

WP5 deliverable: Interim Report Communication Dissemination

Interim Report Communication Dissemination: This document reports on publications (web, print, press) of the common EU4ART_differences Research & Innovation Agenda, the Open Artistic Research seminar and status-quo of Common Research and Innovation database.

WP5 deliverable: Report on funding possibilities

Further funding opportunities: This documents collects schemes for follow-up steps and outlines particulat national and international funding possibilities to ensure the sustainability of EU4ART_differences


WP5 deliverable: Final dissemination report

Final Dissemination Report: This document contains all dissemination activities throughout the project (updated May 2024).