On the 15th of June, °’°Kobi, the knowledge ecosystem and didactic tool for creative pratictioners, realised within the European project EU4ART_differences thanks to a joint research partnership with Professors Alberto Giretti (Polytechnic University of Marche), Matteo Zambelli (University of Florence), Andrea Guidi (Queen Mary University, London) and the Academy of Fine Arts of Rome, was presented at the GARR conference in Florence.
The GARR Annual Conference serves as a platform for experts to discuss advances in digital infrastructures and their innovative applications with people who manage and operate the national education and research network. Among the keynote speeches of this edition, which was focused on the interconnection of knowledge, Professor Matteo Zambelli presented °’°Kobi and its latest developments.
°’°Kobi is an educational system and knowledge architecture with a search engine capable of linking concepts through linguistic affinities based on semantic proximity. It was developed in 2022 and tested during the academic year in some classes, where it demonstrated its ability to facilitate interdisciplinary learning. In recent months, °’°Kobi has progressed through its implementation phase.
Many new features are coming, from generative systems to multisensorial experience. The idea for the new °’°Kobi is to approach the poetics of navigation as an experience of exploration, discovery, growth and sharing. In the new version of °’°Kobi, content will be located around the person who will be called through sound and visual prompts to explore the surrounding space through their body. Users will be equipped with HOLOLENS visors to facilitate immersive exploration of the knowledge ecosystem. The integration of mixed reality into the system aims to enhance the learning experience by embodying knowledge and promoting inclusivity. Moreover, the third version of °’°Kobi will integrate generative artificial intelligence algorithms for creativity. The aim is to foster not only exploration and discovery but also the creation of new knowledge areas in the ecosystem.
To conclude, the conference hosted by the GARR organization provided the perfect stage to showcase the °’°Kobi system to a wide range of national stakeholders. Its forum provided an opportunity to highlight the unique capabilities and benefits of the °’°Kobi system as an educational tool and learning resource.
images: (cover 1) visualization of the semantic links generated by Kobi; (2) Flowchart of °’°Kobi’s generative system