Online Lecture: Para-archivism, Living knowledge, Sensitive offensive


Eduardo Molinari / The Walking Archive

A new way of knowing the world should include -or at least be accompanied by- a new way of feeling. From this sentipensante (feeling-thinking) perspective we will ask ourselves: what kind of knowledge does artistic research produce when we allow ourselves to be affected and make of our bodies, the territories and those who live in them a single common world, in a common history? What contributions do the living and undisciplined knowledge resulting from the passage from memory works to exercises of political imagination towards a sensitive offensive make to society?

About the artist

Born, lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Visual artist, Bachelor in Visual Arts and Research Professor at the Department of Visual Arts of the Universidad Nacional de las Artes (UNA) in Buenos Aires. Invited teacher at Subcoop Plataforma Educativa.

Walking as an aesthetic practice, research with artistic methods and tools and trans(in)disciplinary collaborations are at the core of his work. His body of artistic work consists of drawing, collage, photography, installation, intervention in public space and specific sites, painting, film, texts and publications.


Meeting-ID: 816 3369 5654, Kenncode: 831524
No registration required.


Image: The nightmare. Collage. 2022